The Secret of Recovery is Gratitude
Jul 31, 2019
The result of humility and receiving undeserved grace should always be gratitude. Since we are all in the process of recovering (returning to a former healthy state), gratitude should be the result. Receiving a life-giving gift, we don’t deserve is the central theme of the New Testament. The process of recovery usually begins with a spiritual awakening. We start by believing that there is a power outside of ourselves that can give us the strength and ability to overcome the destructive behaviors we can’t overcome on our own. The addict’s prayer is, “God save me from myself.” When that new strength happens, we will naturally be grateful. But when we start to grumble and complain that life, people, and God aren’t treating us right, (life is not fair) our ability to receive His grace through humility is diminished.
…. I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. John 10.10
We can measure whether or not we are in recovery by simply checking our level of gratitude. An attitude of gratitude and humility is the key to receiving God’s restoring power. Of course, His grace usually comes through those who invest themselves in us when we don’t deserve it. They see something valuable in us, which is how He sees us. Faith, humility, and gratitude are a daily battle. Gratitude is simply realizing who is really in control. Make your goal to be the kind of human being who, when someone hits rock bottom, you will be the first person he/she thinks of to ask for help - a person of grace and competency.
God pours out the free gift to recovery to all unconditionally, what changes is simply our ability to receive it. Humility gives us the ability to ask for help whereas pride says, “can do it myself.” God says,” go for it I’ll be there when you come to the end of yourself.”
God gives grace to the humble and opposes the proud.
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