Stress: The #1 Issue Behind Most of Our Problems anxiety fear meditation stress


Stress (anxiety, worry) is another word for fear. Stress is the number one issue behind most of our problems—physical, emotional, social, addiction, and relational. As much as 80% of all our physical and mental problems are ...

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A Genesis Church Story: Deborah

At Harvest City Church in Regina, Canada we have been using the tools and training of Genesis Process for over 13 years now.

The biblical principles and concepts of Genesis are now very much apart of our DNA as a church and as a leadership team. The majority of our leadership team has at some p

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Codependency Part 2


"A codependent person is one who has let another person’s behavior affect him or her, and who is obsessed with controlling that person’s behavior."
—  Melody Beattie

Codependency—or relationship addiction—is much like any other addiction. A codependent relation

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The Roots of Codependency

In my experience, the roots of codependency usually comes from, where a child feels responsible for  and tries to control adult problems. Whether its addiction, mental illness, abuse or neglect, anger/ rage or divorce it is common for a child to try hold the family together. The child can also becom...

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The Secret of Recovery is Gratitude grace gratitude

The result of humility and receiving undeserved grace should always be gratitude. Since we are all in the process of recovering (returning to a former healthy state), gratitude should be the result. Receiving a life-giving gift, we don’t deserve is the central theme of the New Testament. The process...

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The Power of Hope grace hope

“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence."

— Helen Keller

Hope, which involves both beliefs and expectations, causes the brain to release neurochemicals called endorphins and enkephalins which actually mimic the effects of morphine, thus red...

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Genesis Story: Mark testimony

The following is a real life example of how God used the genesis process to transform a life.

My experience with Genesis taught me what my heart really is and that it has been distorted by being born into the World. This was caused both by the disfiguring effect of my human relationships and my o...

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Real Freedom Requires Heart Change freedom

“Here bring your wounded hearts, here tell your anguish;
Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal."

— Thomas More

The Bible teaches a lot about the heart—the word is used about 735 times in Scripture. For example, Jesus tells us that “the heart” can be desperately wicked, an

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Sobriety Versus Recovery addiction recovery

“Quitting smoking is easy, I’ve done it a hundred times."

— Mark Twain

Many people use the term “recovery” when they actually mean “sobriety.” Sobriety without recovery is simply abstinence—a cessation of a negative activity, but not necessarily a state that leads to long-term freedom and heart ch...

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The Empty Place loneliness

We all have a void, and a small quiet voice that is trying to get our attention to live as a healthy human being by prompting us to seek intimacy with God and others. We are designed for relationships. Intimate relationships are a foundational necessity for being a healthy human being. From years of...

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Submission power submission

The other day, a woman who had been wounded by legalism asked me about my thoughts on submission. I thought I'd share my answer with you.

I believe the word submission has become very misunderstood because of how Christians and other religions have used it for power, control and abuse both within t...

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Stress... The #1 Enemy meditation stress

Stress is the # 1 killer and destroyer of our relationship in the USA.

Many are turning to eastern religions because they teach practical tools for reducing stress and its effects. I have developed a Genesis mediation with practical tools for being able to lower stress what drives it. Stress is ano...

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